




First Email

Dear Musicians and Friends, 
I hope this email finds you in good health and good spirit.
I am happy to let you know about a workshop which came to me from a colleague, Cécile Raynor, who has been teaching the Alexander Technique for 30 years, which is the best secret of Olympic athletes and famous performers. </span>

For those of you unfamiliar with this technique, please read the introductory blogs or watch the short video below.  This workshop is especially good for you if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort due to the repetitive motions which are necessary to diligently study and/or perform music (or anything else for that matter).  It might be just what the doctor ordered!

This technique has been endorsed and studied by musicians like:  Julian Bream, Yehudi Menuhin, James Galway, and Sir Colin Davis to name a few.

If this workshop appeals to you, click the sign-up link to register.

This 2-session workshop starts on February 17, 2022. Cécile can’t wait to be of service to you!

Workshop Details & Sign-Up link:


Links to online videos…

Video Introduction:

British Medical Journal Video on Alexander Technique & Musicians

(less than 10 minutes)


Introductory Blogs:

Musicians, Yoga, and the Alexander Technique

Integrated Functioning & Tips for Musicians